In this section, you will find national tools, which may support you in your work on the prevention of obesity and overweight among children and young people. By clicking on the flag of your country, you will find relevant tools and materials developed by national ministries, regional/ local organizations or other relevant institutions in your country. Some of the tools are translations of the tools mentioned on HEPCOM's webpage.
HEPCOM is a collaboration between 20 European partners:
Aarhus University (DK)
Bergen University College (NO)
Business Solutions Europa (BE)
Croatian National Institute of Public Health (HR)
Dutch Institute for Healthcare Improvement CBO (NL)
Institouto Ygelas tou Paidiou (EL)
Instituto Superiore della Sanità (IT)
Leuphana Universitat Luneburg (DE)
Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH (AT)
Maastricht University (NL)
Mycolas Romeris University (LT)
National University of Ireland (IE)
P.A.U. Education (ES)
South Denmark European Office (DK)
Steno Diabetes Center (DK)
Stichting euPrevent EMR (NL)
University Blalse Pascal Cermont-Ferrand 2 (FR)
University of Brighton (UK)
University College Syddenmark (DK)
University of eastern Finland (FI)
Universidade do Minho (PT)